Laser Teeth Whitening - Your Instant Option

By Ryan English

The advent of laser teeth whitening option has come as huge reliefs for those who want instant result to treating their teeth discolor. The regular teeth whitening options can be painful and time taking. You need to have some kind or patience for you to get an impressive result when making use of the conventional teeth whitening options. Some of which could last from days to months in some cases. Obviously not everyone can wait that long simply to have their teeth whitened.

All thanks to the latest method of teeth whitening. With this option you can now have your teeth whitened up almost instantly. You no longer have to wait unnecessarily to have your teeth looking clean and white again. The result of the laser teeth whitening is very impressive that you will have your teeth looking whiter than ever before. The procedure is quite painless and quicker when compared to the other methods of teeth whitening. A lot more people are now going for this option because of its comparative advantages in teeth whitening. As soon as the laser treatment is concluded you may well be on your way as your teeth instantly comes out looking sparkling white. For those television presenters and other individuals that are into social gatherings this is the best teeth whitening option for them.

Below is how the process works

Before the final laser cleaning process is done, there is need for the teeth to be well cleaned by the dentist. The general outcome of the treatment could be impaled by germs and other substances which could be found on the teeth. So the teeth need to be thoroughly clean and free from all such for you to be guaranteed a perfect result. Now you can see the reason why the teeth need to be in a perfect condition if you must have a wonderful result at the end of the treatment.

Laser treatment process:

Whitening gel is needed for laser teeth whitening treatment. The purpose of the gel is to whitening up your teeth in the laser process application. The dentist will have too apply the whitening gel on each of your teeth and then place you in a perfect position where the laser treatment will be carried out.

The laser is needed to activate the active ingredients in the whitening gel. The ingredients that would normally had taken several days or months to penetrate your teeth, are activated to penetrate your teeth faster. The result is instantaneous as within minutes your teeth become as white as snow. Though there are cases of extreme teeth discolor that may not produce a perfect result in one session. As such you will be asked be the dentist to come back at a later date for another session of treatment.

Laser teeth whitening is so powerful that regardless of the teeth discolored nature, the laser treatment will have it whitened up again. The only delay here is that you may need to come for two or three more sessions for there to be any form of noticeable result. But the bottom line is that you will definitely have your teeth whitened up. Article Source:

Why Choose a Laser Teeth Whitening System?

By Jennifer Langston

Before using any whitening products or procedure, it is recommended that you are first evaluated by an oral health care professional to determine which laser teeth whitening system and program is best for you.

What causes our teeth to stain and become yellow or brown? Most people have stains on their teeth that are caused by age, smoking, coffee or tea. Other types of stains are caused by too much fluoride or unhealthy gum disease.

I know you are wondering why you should choose a laser teeth whitening system when you can use an at home kit or a whitening toothpaste that you get from the drugstore. The problem with most at home whitening kits is that studies show that patients have experience uncomfortable short term side effects when over bleaching their teeth. Hydrogen peroxide in these products can increase tooth sensitivity.

Over the counter home bleaching products can also wear down your tooth enamel and cause permanent and long term damage. White the risks are minimal, it is best if you have a bleaching procedure done under the care or a professional so that you are using a controlled application and won't risk swallowing any hydrogen peroxide.

Choosing a laser teeth whitening system will give you maximum results if you are looking to get a whiter smile. It is fast and convenient, long lasting, proven to be safe and effective, and performed by a dental professional. Best of all it is a low sensitivity treatment so your teeth won't feel sensitive when you drink hot or cold liquids.

Laser whitening systems don't even compare to at home whitening systems. There are treatments that take only 45 minutes and your results will turn out to be an average of 8 shades lighter. You see immediate results that are long lasting and have less of a chance of fading back in the future.

Some at home systems run the risk of giving you worse stains in the future. If you're a regular smoker and use their kits to whiten your teeth and then continue to smoke again, you are at risk of having even darker stains. You might darken your teeth more than they were once before! This happens because the chemicals you used to lighten your teeth react to the stains from smoking or drinking coffee and amplify the stain!

That is why you should choose a laser teeth whitening system. You will feel safe and comfortable and worry free because it is performed by a dental professional and you get the immediate results that you want. Why pay for other whitening systems that will eventually fade away and only remove superficial stains? Article Source:

Laser Teeth Whitening - Advantages and Disadvantages

By Timothy Croy

Laser teeth whitening has become very popular, since so many people are looking to improve their smile. There are a variety of options available to help you achieve that bright white smile. Laser whitening can effectively help to reverse the discoloration process of your teeth.

Laser teeth whitening is a quick, painless solution for teeth that have become stained. . Laser teeth whitening is generally recommended for both coffee drinkers and smokers, as well as those who have never used any other type of teeth whitening. In some instances, teeth can be whitened up to 10 shades lighter

Laser whitening must be done by a dental health professional. He or she will begin by removing any plaque or debris that is currently on your teeth. This helps to ensure the whitening will be effective.

After your teeth are free of plague and debris a gel is applied to your teeth. The gel is what actually whitens the teeth. However, the laser is used to speed up the process and activate the whitening gel. The crystals found in the gel absorb the light energy from the laser, which then penetrates the enamel on the teeth. This process helps to increase the whitening effect on the teeth.

Depending on the look you desire, you may need to be keep the gel on longer. If your teeth are fairly close to your desired color, then you will only need to be in the chair for a short period. Typically, it takes about an hour to accomplish a whiter smile.

One advantage of laser teeth whitening is that you only need one visit to see a visible difference in the color of you teeth. In some extreme cases, additional laser treatments may need to be done to achieve the desirable color you are looking for.

A major disadvantage of laser teeth whitening is the cost. Compared to other methods of teeth whitening, laser teeth whitening can be dramatically higher. Laser whitening generally begins around $1000. However, depending on the number of treatments needed, the cost could be considerable higher.

Another disadvantage that is sometimes associated with laser whitening is sore teeth and gums. This is because of the bleach used to whiten the teeth. Generally speaking, this is only a short term problem. Article Source:

Laser Teeth Whitening

By Terry Ross

With visual appearance becoming increasingly important, many of us are now focusing on achieving that perfect smile resulting in a growing dissatisfaction with the color of our teeth. Laser teeth whitening is fast becoming one of the most popular options for teeth whitening with the speed and simplicity of the laser teeth whitening process being its main attraction.

Despite the fact that laser teeth whitening is one of the most expensive teeth whitening options for many the one-hour teeth whitening process, with the added advantage that it’s generally a viable option for people with sensitive teeth, is making laser teeth whitening hard to resist.

Laser teeth whitening is simple to the extreme when compared to other teeth whitening processes:

• Your cosmetic dentist ill clean your teeth and remove any plaque ahead of the laser teeth whitening process.

• Once your teeth have been prepared your dentist will apply a peroxide based gel of professional strength and then use a laser light to kick start the teeth whitening process.

• With laser teeth whitening you will be able to walk away after about an hour with teeth that have been whitened up to a possible 9–10 shades.

One point to note is that like all teeth whitening, laser teeth whitening has a limited life with further sessions being required at 2-3 year intervals (depending on the level of dental care including what you continue to eat and drink) in order to maintain that laser bright smile.

If you are considering any other form of cosmetic dentistry work you need to make sure you undergo the laser teeth whitening treatment first. Prosthetic teeth such as crowns, bridges, tooth implants and dental veneers will not bleach so unless you want to ruin the natural look of prosthetic teeth you must have your own teeth whitened before you undergo any other form of cosmetic dentistry.

For those with sensitive teeth, tray based teeth whitening products are not necessarily a good idea due the repeated application of the bleaching product. Laser teeth whitening is different given the single application process which has been found to be more suitable for those with sensitive teeth.

If all else fails and you have been advised against laser teeth whitening and all other tooth whitening products due to dental problems, sensitive teeth or the fact that your have prosthetic teeth, check out the option of dental veneers to give you that perfect smile. Article Source: